Saturday, January 29, 2011

Honey and Clover

This is an old stuff, i forgot when i drew this, but i love this drama. Cause the story is about the art student :). This drama is actually from manga.  And the genius behind this drama is Umino Chica.
She is a Japanese female manga artist, designer, and an illustrator. This "Honey and Clover" has been awarded by Kodansha Manga Award

See also on my deviantART


  1. woooowww cool!
    u draw this?bagussss banget
    oia salam kenal ya..hehe
    kapan2 mampir Hijab Kawaii

  2. Iyaah... Thank you maya :D, salam kenal juga.. blog kamu bagus, aku follow yah...

  3. makasiii ristiaaa, aq follow back ya..^^
    uia ijin save ini gambar juga jdi wallpaper laptop,hehe..

  4. iyaaah aduh aku tersandung... thanks yaa :DDD


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