Friday, December 24, 2010

Bersahabat dengan Scoliosis

Pernah dengar tentang penyakit skoliosis? Yap, skoliosis adalah kelainan pada rangka tubuh yang berupa lengkungan tulang belakang. Untuk selengkapnya baca sendiri deh di Wikipedia

Sekitar Juni 2007. Waktu itu aku kelas 3 SMA, aku divonis Scoliosis sama dokter di rumah sakit Elishabet Semarang. Rasanya waktu divonis scoliosis kaya ada efek gledek njegler langsung semua jadi mendung (lebay mode : on) Aku lupa nama dokternya, kata si dokter untuk kasus Scoliosis seperti aku khusus di Jakarta katanya di Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah. Lalu singkat cerita, bertolaklah aku ke Jakarta. Ijin nglibur satu minggu, padahal lagi banyak ulangan tuh waktu itu hehe...

Waktu sampai di RSPI, rame juga yang ngantri. Lalu aku ketemu sama Prof. Dr. Subroto Sapardan, SpOT. Wah ajib bener ni dokter, bener-bener profesional, garink, suka cerita apalagi denger aku dari Semarang langsung cerita masa kecilnya di Semarang..hedeh. Yaudah (?) setelah lihat hasil rontgen dan diukur derajatnya sama si bapak dokter katanya derajat kemiringanku sudah termasuk skoliosis berat yaitu kira-kira 63° untuk bagian atas dan bagian bawah 30° (aku juga agak lupa) beginilah rupa rontgen tulang belakangku :

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am just only human

She is Srikandi, warrior from Mahabharata Story. Just like Wonder Woman :D
I use A3 Canson watercolor paper, Pentel Watercolor. Actually, this one is for the exhibition in my campus. 
See also on my DeviantART

Monday, November 22, 2010

Matantei Loki Ragnarok Scrap

I forget when i drew this stuff, it was very very long time. All that i remember is i am a big fan of Matantei Loki Ragnarok. It was quite fun to read that manga. I buy all the series :o
My favorite character is Mayura, she is fun and cute. And i am kind a bit disappoint with the suspended ending. But the character is awesome. I watch the anime too. 
A big worship to Sakura Kinoshita :D

Girl Character Scrap 1

I started to learn about character. I am trying to draw some comic, so i think i must learn how to draw an emotion. It's kind a bit hard to draw a face with many emotion :s.
But.. practice makes perfect, right ?

Playing Kite

Actually, this one is my homework. I am using A3 Canson watercolor paper, Pentel watercolor, and Faber Castell watercolor pencil for the line.
And for the picture, i grab srebrina's wonderful photography. You can see her photography on here
And don't forget to check out my drawing on my DeviantART


The Lineart

 Original Watercolor ( Before adding the texture )

Then i decided to adding some texture on it, you can find the texture here
Sooo... which one do you like ?

Find it also on my DeviantART

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Socialithree T-shirt Commission

This is Design Commission for Socialithree SMAPA
I give a 100% free for this design because this is my beloved sister commission and her classmates 
I hope they like it... :D

Little Red Riding Hood

Inspired by Storybook of Children : Little Red Riding Hood
Find on : DeviantART


Just a random digital practice :D

see also on : DeviantART

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hellow Rainbow Fellow!

Hellow Rainbow Fellow ! 
I am an illustrator, graphic design student, work as a volunteer for JJ express magazine, designing t-shirt, and making plushies :D

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